Anatomy: A New Discovery很興奮,又有人以科學角度探討G點了,還登上了醫學期刊,馬上上PUBMED找這篇文章來好好研讀一番。非常可惜敝院沒有買這本The Journal of
Sexual Medicine,只好看看摘要過過乾癮。
Introduction. The
anatomic existence of the G-spot has not been documented yet.
Aim. To identify
the anatomic structure of the G-spot.
Methods. A
stratum-by-stratum vaginal wall dissection on a fresh cadaver.
Main Outcome Measures. Primary outcome is the identification of the G-spot and the secondary
outcome is its measurements and anatomic description of the G-spot.
主要觀察指標 :一級終點為鑑別、確認G點存在,二級終點為測量以及以解剖觀點描述G點。
Results. The
G-spot has a distinguishable anatomic structure that is located on the dorsal
perineal membrane,16.5 mm from the upper part of the urethral meatus, and
creates a 35° angle with the lateral border of the urethra. The lower pole
(tail) and the upper pole (head) were located 3 and 15 mm next to the
lateral border of the urethra, respectively. Grossly,
the G-spot appeared as a
well-delineated sac with walls that resembled fibroconnective tissues and
resembled erectile tissues. 。The superior surface of the sac had bluish
irregularities visible through the coat.Upon opening the sac's upper coat,
blue grape-like anatomic compositions of the G-spot emerged with dimensions of
length (L) of 8.1 mm × width (W) of 3.6–1.5 mm × height
(H) of 0.4 mm.The G-spot structure had three distinct areas: the proximal
part (the head) L 3.4 mm × W 3.6 mm, the middle part L
3.1 mm × W 3.3 mm, and the distal part (tail) L
3.3 mm × W 3.0 mm. From the distal tail, a rope-like
structure emerged, which was seen for approximately 1.6 mm and then
disappeared into the surrounding tissue.
結果:G點位於會陰背側,距離尿道口上部約16.5mm,粗部測量其下極 (尾部)與尿道外側緣距離3mm,其上極(頭部)距離則是15mm,並與尿道外側緣形成35度。G點表現為一個界線分明的囊狀結構,其囊壁類似於纖維結締組織以及勃起組織,由外層可見囊狀上部藍色不規則表面,打開囊狀上層表面可見藍色葡萄樣解剖結構組成G點,尺寸約為:長8.1mm 寬3.6-1.5mm高 0.4mm。G點可分為三個不同部份:近段(頭端):長3.4mm x 寬3.6mm 中段:長3.1 x 寬3.3mm,遠段(尾端):長3.3x 寬 3.0mm ,在遠端尾部可見約為1.6mm繩樣結構沒入周圍組織中
Conclusion. The
anatomic existence of the G-spot was documented with potential impact on the
practice and clinical research in the field of female sexual function.
結論:由解剖學角度證實並紀錄G點存在, 可能為女性性功能臨床研究與實踐帶來影響。
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